
Resources, guides, and special topic videos
make climate understandable and actionable

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All Resources

  • Introduction to Climate Justice

    Climate justice acknowledges that climate change harms Black, indigenous, people of color, low-income and rural communities, women, children, people with disabilities, and marginalized communities first and worst.

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  • Avanzando hacia el futuro

    Los profesionales de la salud son mensajeros importantes y pueden traer soluciones al cambio climática a sus pacientes, comunidad y legisladores. Nuestra guía más reciente, Avanzando hacia el futuro…


  • Climate Solutions for Your Workplace

    Our climate is changing, but if we all move to more climate-friendly choices we can help restore healthier people, prosperous communities, and a thriving planet….

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  • Soluciones climáticas para tu centro de trabajo

    Nuestro clima está cambiando, pero, si todos nos pasamos a opciones más amigables con el ambiente, podemos ayudar a tener personas más sanas, comunidades prósperas y un planeta floreciente…


  • Climate Solutions for Your Community

    We have all been hearing about climate change and know we need to do something, but what? Communities around America are stepping up to support…

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  • Soluciones climáticas para tu comunidad

    Todos hemos estado escuchando cosas sobre el cambio climático y sabemos que debemos hacer algo al respecto, pero ¿qué? Las comunidades en todo…


  • Climate, Health, and Food

    Eating lots of plant-based, nutrient-rich foods supports personal health and is the best way to prevent chronic illness and disease. Not only is this good…

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  • El clima, la salud y los alimentos

    Ingerir alimentos a base de plantas y ricos en nutrientes es beneficioso para la salud y la mejor forma de prevenir enfermedades crónicas y dolencias…


  • Climate Solutions for Your Home and Neighborhood

    Climate change is a big problem that affects everyone, so how can you and your family make a difference? It turns out there are lots…

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  • A man and two children harvesting vegetables in a garden

    Soluciones climáticas para tu hogar y tu vecindario

    El cambio climático es un problema importante que nos afecta a todos. Quizá te preguntes cómo pueden tú y tu familia marcar una diferencia. Resulta…


  • Climate Solutions Advocacy with Policy Makers

    Moving policy makers to tackle climate change can be a rewarding task. Your voice can make a difference. When officials hear from their constituents, and…

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  • Participación ciudadana en soluciones climáticas con legisladores

    Influir sobre los legisladores para que aborden el cambio climático puede ser gratificante. Tu voz puede marcar la diferencia…


  • Restoring Nature = Restoring Ourselves

    If we restore thriving nature, we all live healthier, more fulfilling lives while addressing climate change. From backyards to parks and forests, from local rivers…

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  • Restaurar la naturaleza = Restaurarnos a nosotros mismos

    Si restauramos la naturaleza, podemos vivir vidas más saludables y plenas a la vez que corregimos el cambio climático…


  • ecoAmerica’s Latest Research

    ecoAmerica conducts world-class research to understand which Americans are ready to move on climate, how, and how to speak with them in ways that motivate…

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  • Moving Forward Guide

    Health professionals have an important role as trusted messengers to engage their patients, peers, community, and policymakers on equitable climate solutions. Our latest guide, Moving…

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  • National Climate and Health Leadership Forum 2018

    Climate for Health brought more than 50 health organization and thought leaders together on May 15 in Washington, DC. Co-hosted by the American Psychological Association,…

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  • Climate Talking Points

    On alternating months we will pick a topic or theme related to climate change, provide a few positive talking points and some responses to key…

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  • Let’s Lead On Climate

    Hear from local community, health, and faith leaders across the U.S. who are successfully engaging their constituents in programs and initiatives that promote climate leadership,…

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  • Mental Health and Our Changing Climate: Impacts, Inequities, Responses

    Created by ecoAmerica, the American Psychological Association, and Climate for Health

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  • Let’s Talk Health and Climate: Communication Guidance for Health Professionals

    Created by ecoAmerica and Climate for Health

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  • Fact Sheet: Climate Changes Mental Health

    Create by the American Public Health Association, ecoAmerica, Climate for Health, and The American Psychological Association

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  • Fact Sheet: Changing Climate through Healthy Community Design and Transportation

    Created by the American Public Health Association, ecoAmerica, Climate for Health, and the American College of Sports Medicine

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  • Fact Sheet: Climate Changes Allergies and Asthma

    Created by the American Public Health Association, ecoAmerica, and Climate for Health

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  • Fact Sheet: Climate Changes Children’s Health

    Created by the American Public Health Association, ecoAmerica, Climate for Health, and the American Academy of Pediatrics

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  • Let’s Talk Climate: Messages to Motivate Latino Americans

    This guide combines qualitative and quantitative research to offer culturally relevant words, phrases, and narratives for successfully engaging fellow…

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  • American Climate Leadership Summit 2017

    On October 25 and 26, ecoAmerica brought together 300 diverse national leaders from across sectors and society to the National Press Club in Washington, DC.

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  • Making the Connection: Climate Changes Health

    Climate for Health’s umbrella organization, ecoAmerica, partnered with the American Public Health Association to develop and broadca…

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  • 2015 National Leadership Convening

    Climate for Health, Health Care Without Harm, and the U.S. Climate and Health Alliance brought together over 70 leaders from across the country to this…

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  • American Climate Values 2014 Supplement: Health and Climate Highlights

    This supplementary report focuses on the results of American Climate Values 2014: Psychographic and Demographic Insights to understand the climate attitudes of Americans who identify…

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  • Deliver a Powerful Speech

    There is nothing more powerful than a great speech. Here we provide tips, tools and resources to help you craft a speech to inspire and…

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  • Make the Path to Positive Pledge

    Through the Path to Positive pledge, you make a public commitment to inspire others to care about climate change and take simple steps to becoming…

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  • Connect with Climate for Health Social Media and Online Community

    Our News & Community section and social media pages will help you learn the latest news in engaging Americans on climate change, connect you with…

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