New Let’s Talk Climate episode, “Climate Change & Health Equity: Addressing Local Air Pollution”

Earlier this year, the Environmental Defense Fund published new research that showed a large and unequal health burden from air pollution in California’s Bay Area. On this special episode of Let’s Talk Climate, Dr. Elena Craft, Senior Director of Climate and Health at the Environmental Defense Fund explains the top level findings and provides examples for climate action that improves air quality and increases health equity. “Air pollution is actually now the biggest environmental risk for early death. It’s responsible for 6 million premature deaths each year” which is why EDF wanted to better understand disparities in local air pollution concentration and exposure. 

We understand the ambitious climate action we must all undertake as individuals and a nation to protect public health, and the planet for ourselves and future generations. As Dr. Craft reminds us, “We each have a role…to help meet that larger goal and to help move the country in the right direction.” 

Watch the full episode.

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