Let’s Talk Climate: Front Line Clinics & Climate Resilience

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Community Health Centers are a service and resiliency hub for tens of millions of Americans. During a climate-related disaster — whether that’s hurricanes, wildfires, the grid shutting down and everything in between — people rely on these health centers more than ever. Hear from a finalist of the 2023 American Climate Leadership Awards (ACLA), Marysel Pagán Santana and Amy Liebman from the Migrant Clinician’s Network on their work helping health centers to build resilience in front-line communities.


Los centros de salud comunitarios son esenciales para la resilencia a los impactos del cambio climático para millones de estadounidenses. Durante un desastre, ya sea huracanes, incendios forestales, o apagones, las personas confían en estos centros de salud más que nunca. La Red de Proveedores de Servicios de Salud para Migrantes (Migrant Clinicians’ Network) fue finalista de los Premios Americanos de Liderazgo Climático (ACLA) 2023. Marysel Pagán Santana y Amy Liebman comparten su trabajo ayudando a los centros de salud a construir resiliencia en las comunidades de primera línea.

Centros de Salud de Primera Línea: Resiliencia Climática / Front Line Clinics: Climate Resilience


About the Author Ben Fulgencio-Turner is the Director of the Climate for Health program at ecoAmerica

Additional Resources

Migrant Clinicians Network Emergency Preparedness & Resilience Tools

Harvard C-CHANGE, Americares Climate Resilient Health Clinic Toolkit

ecoAmerica American Climate Leadership Awards Replication Guides

American Climate Leadership Awards 2023 Broadcast Recording

ClimateRx Website

Climate for Health – Ambassador Training

Climate for Health Resources

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