Thought Leadership, Current Events, and Resources for Climate Communicators
Join Us for Climate Week NYC: Explore the Intersection of Health and Climate
This is the first year that Climate Week will feature health as a primary theme and the connection between climate & health has never been more critical. At Climate for Health, we are dedicated to addressing these intersections and empowering communities to take meaningful action…
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New Research Findings: Americans Want Climate Leadership from the Health Sector
ecoAmerica’s latest American Climate Perspectives Survey, published in partnership with the National Association of Community Health Centers, reveals that Americans are ready and eager for health professionals to advance climate action…
Black History Month and Climate Change – The STEM Connection
The connection of the recently completed Black History Month and Climate Change may not appear to be obvious but upon reflection from my time as a Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) educator there is an unquestioned connection between the two…
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Join Us: National Health + Climate Forum
ecoAmerica’s column in the National Environmental Health Association’s Journal of Environmental Health, “Staying Cool in a Changing Climate: Caring for Health in Extreme Heat” by Nicole Hill, MPH, and Ben Fulgencio-Turner, MPP, CPH is now available in the July/August 2023 issue…
New Article in the Journal of Environmental Health, “Staying Cool in a Changing Climate: Caring for Health in Extreme Heat”
ecoAmerica’s column in the National Environmental Health Association’s Journal of Environmental Health, “Staying Cool in a Changing Climate: Caring for Health in Extreme Heat” by Nicole Hill, MPH, and Ben Fulgencio-Turner, MPP, CPH is now available in the July/August 2023 issue…
Reduce Emissions: Let’s Use Public Transport
As the world marked World Environment Day on the 5th of June, with the theme #BeatPlasticPollution, it is also very important to factor in other pollutants which might be deadlier…
Let’s Talk Climate: From Classrooms to Climate Action: Mobilizing Student Nurses
Nurses are the most trusted profession in the country and see the effects of climate change on their patients’ health every day…
Children and Youth Fighting for a Healthy Future
A momentous event for the State of Montana (U.S.) occurred this June – the first constitutional climate change case in the United States. Rikki Held vs. the State of Montana, the trial where 16 youth plaintiffs sued the state government for the right to a clean and healthful environment for current and future generations, created…
NACHC: The First Net-Zero Energy Health Center in the US is Here
The National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC) is the national association for community health centers, advocating and promoting quality, affordable health care services for over 30 million Americans…
Introducing CfH Health Equity Fellow Sweta Waghela
Warm greetings to all! I am incredibly excited to start this new chapter in my life, joining the ecoAmerica Climate for Health team as a Health Equity Fellow…
Neurosurgery and Our Changing Climate: Why Global Warming Matters to Neurosurgeons
These are just a few examples of neurosurgical patients whose lives have been forever altered from climate-related changes. More and more, we’re seeing global changes that impact neurosurgical conditions…
Let’s Talk Climate: Front Line Clinics & Climate Resilience
Community Health Centers are a service and resiliency hub for tens of millions of Americans. During a climate-related disaster…
Are We Preparing the US Healthcare System for Climate Change?
We are dealing with a two-fold crisis of ill preparedness in the United States. An aging and increasingly economically disparate population that has complex chronic medical conditions…
New Article in the Journal of Environmental Health, “The Climate World Is Changing, So Can We”
Over the past century, the world has experienced a dramatic increase in emissions from burning fossil fuels, resulting in changes to the climate across the globe (Lindsey, 2022). We know that the outcome of these changes on human health is far-reaching, with every child around the world at risk from at least one climate change…