
Thought Leadership, Current Events, and Resources for Climate Communicators


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  • Fight or Flight? Ideas on Building Resilient Communities

    Fight or Flight? Ideas on Building Resilient Communities

    Since moving away from California eight years ago, I’ve longed to come back home. I spent the first 18 years of my life in the San Francisco Bay Area hiking, running, swimming, camping, skiing…basically taking advantage of all the outdoor recreation actives California has to offer. Through these experiences, my upbringing, and education, the values…

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  • Blooming Large: Tracking the Health Risks of Harmful Algae in a Tribal Community

    Blooming Large: Tracking the Health Risks of Harmful Algae in a Tribal Community

    The Salish Sea spans through what is currently known as Washington State and British Columbia and is blessed with an abundance of resources that have sustained the indigenous peoples since time immemorial. Coast Salish tribes continue to inhabit these regions harvesting important traditional foods. A common saying among Coast Salish Peoples is, “when the tide…

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  • Climate Ready Tribes Spotlight: Pala Band of Mission Indians

    Climate Ready Tribes Spotlight: Pala Band of Mission Indians

    The United States is home to more than 570 individual federally-recognized Indian tribes. Each one of these distinct Tribal nations is facing the challenge of adapting to the effects of climate change. Tribes are disproportionately impacted not only by the environmental consequences of climate change, but also by the impact to traditional knowledge, cultural practices,…

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  • Watch Now, “Ambassadors in Action: Health Advocacy for Climate Solutions”

    Watch Now, “Ambassadors in Action: Health Advocacy for Climate Solutions”

    On our most recent Let’s Talk Climate episode, we were joined by Dr. Neelu Tummala, an ear, nose, and throat physician and clinical assistant professor of surgery at the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences. She is on the Steering Committee for Virginia Clinicians for Climate Action, the Board for the Faith…

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  • Southeast Alaska Tribes Face Climate Change with Partnership

    Southeast Alaska Tribes Face Climate Change with Partnership

    Southeast Alaska is a place like no other. Coastal brown bears stalk the shores, old growth forests grow tall and salmon serve as the lifeblood of the region. It is home to the Tlingit, Haida and Tsimshian people, who have served as the environmental stewards of these lands since time immemorial. Their stewardship continues to…

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  • Introducing the National Indian Health Board Climate Ready Tribes Initiative

    Introducing the National Indian Health Board Climate Ready Tribes Initiative

    Every summer when I was a child, my father took my brother and me over to our Blackfeet reservation near Browning, Montana, for a big family reunion. While I looked forward to seeing my elders and cousins, horseback riding, and storytelling, I would get most excited about another season of huckleberry picking. I can close…

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  • Watch the Recording, “Vote Kids: Climate Change and the 2020 Election”

    Watch the Recording, “Vote Kids: Climate Change and the 2020 Election”

    As we prepare to enter the voting booth this Election Day, partisan politics may dominate the headlines, but there are far more important issues at stake. Top of mind for many will be the climate health emergency, its effect on youth and their health, and striving for an equitable climate future, one that “Center[s] health…

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  • Safe Water for Families

    Safe Water for Families

    My commute to Manati, a town located in the northwestern part of the island of Puerto Rico, was a time of relaxation away from the San Juan metro area. Those 30 miles of highway between tree-blanketed mountains and valleys were my escape from the urban traffic. Approaching Manati, I even glimpsed the deep blue hues…

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  • Dr. Plastic Picker: How I decided to go All In on Climate Solutions

    Dr. Plastic Picker: How I decided to go All In on Climate Solutions

    Plogging is jogging while picking trash. Plalking is walking while litter-picking. Plurfing is gathering plastic while surfing. #fillabag is when you find a bag and fill it with trash. There is an entire lexicon and culture within the Instagram trash collecting world. You can clean the environment while jogging, paddle-boarding or surfing. You can make…

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  • ​Using Tools We Have to Ensure a Healthy Environment for Children

    ​Using Tools We Have to Ensure a Healthy Environment for Children

    Last summer, one of my patients, a 10-year-old boy I’ll call James, came to see me for a sports physical before starting a summer sports camp through a local community recreation center. James is obese, and also has asthma and allergies. We had been talking for a while about working on his nutrition and encouraging…

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  • It’s Time to Wake Up to Threat of Climate Change, and to Act

    It’s Time to Wake Up to Threat of Climate Change, and to Act

    As pediatricians and trainees, we have all experienced moral awakenings that have compelled us to take action to protect children.  As I step outside each day in San Francisco during the pandemic, putting on my mask reminds me of a time of moral awakening: the fall of 2018, when the Camp Fire raged through Paradise,…

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