
Thought Leadership, Current Events, and Resources for Climate Communicators


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  • Climate Action for Children’s Health

    Climate Action for Children’s Health

    As a Pediatrician, I am well-versed in providing guidance to families to keep their kids healthy.  Cut back on sugary drinks.  At least 1 hour of physical activity per day.  Limit screen time.  Brush your teeth.  The more time I have been in practice, the more I have learned that these individual choices are not…

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  • ​Opportunities for Pediatric Leadership: Wildfire Smoke a Growing Threat to Vulnerable Children

    ​Opportunities for Pediatric Leadership: Wildfire Smoke a Growing Threat to Vulnerable Children

    Halloween. Daylights Savings. Wildfire smoke. Evacuations. Power outages. All of these things are associated with transitions from summer to fall in Northern California. This year alone more than 3.5 million acres have burned, and we’re still in the midst of the carnage. Four weeks ago we had an entire day of darkness, the layer of…

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  • A Pediatrician’s Journey into Climate Advocacy

    A Pediatrician’s Journey into Climate Advocacy

    I am a pediatrician and I advocate on behalf of America’s greatest resource – our children.  The first patient that died under my care was an infant who stopped breathing in his sleep. He was rushed to the hospital with CPR in progress but we could not resuscitate him. I can still hear the lullaby…

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  • Celebrating Children’s Health Month in October: Actions & Resources

    Celebrating Children’s Health Month in October: Actions & Resources

    Time is harder to keep track of these days, and we continue to face compounding crises assaulting our health, environment, democracy, and economy. But, just around the corner is that glimmer of hope we continue to look for. October starts this week, and marks the beginning of one of our favorite monthly themes: children’s health.…

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  • Miami University (OH) Commits to a Sustainable Future on the Autumn Equinox

    Miami University (OH) Commits to a Sustainable Future on the Autumn Equinox

    On September 22, 2020, the first day of autumn, an equinox occurred marking when the sun passed directly over the earth’s equator. Prior to and after today, day and night times will be uneven, but for today, day and night time will be equal in length. This image of balance is fundamental to a new…

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  • Insight into Climate Change & Local Preparedness Efforts with NACCHO

    Insight into Climate Change & Local Preparedness Efforts with NACCHO

    In the present moment, and mere days before World Environmental Health Day on September 26, the intersection between climate change and preparedness is, sadly, quite clear. Scientists have warned for years that climate change could and would worsen weather-related events. Today, we see stark examples unfolding across the United States as the nation recognizes National…

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  • Recording Available: A Vote for Health is a Vote for Climate

    Recording Available: A Vote for Health is a Vote for Climate

    In the midst of a global pandemic, with climate disasters raging across the country, many Americans are laser focused on one date: November 3. “The most important thing we can do in this point and time is vote for leaders that care about our health and care about climate…this is the most important election in…

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  • Leading U.S. Health Organizations Call for Action on Mental Health and Climate Change

    Leading U.S. Health Organizations Call for Action on Mental Health and Climate Change

    Last month, as part of American Climate Leadership Summit 2020, 17 national organizations publicly announced the Social Climate Leadership Group (SCLG), a newly formed effort to address the mental health aspects of climate change. The launch also included the group’s Vision and a Call (below) for others to join. The SCLG intends to accelerate attention…

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  • Perspectives on Climate Change, COVID-19, and Public Health from Utah

    Perspectives on Climate Change, COVID-19, and Public Health from Utah

    Path to Positive Utah and board member of our partner Utah Clean Energy Dr. Jeff Robison, the director of the Global, Rural, and Underserved Child Health Program at the University of Utah School of Medicine and a pediatric emergency medicine, penned a piece that lays out the commonalities between the public health impacts of climate…

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  • Climate for Health Ambassadors Training at NACCHO 360

    Climate for Health Ambassadors Training at NACCHO 360

    The National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) partnered with ecoAmerica to host a Climate for Health Ambassadors training on July 6, 2020. This training occurred as a pre-conference workshop during NACCHO’s Annual Conference (NACCHO 360). As climate change continues to impact people’s health, livelihoods, and communities, they are looking for guidance on solutions in their…

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  • Then and Now: Dismantling Systemic Racism for Equity

    Then and Now: Dismantling Systemic Racism for Equity

    Although the recent swell of a global pandemic and exposure of the deep-rooted heinous incidents of police brutality have incited protests, triggered a wave of statements, goodwill, and diversity and inclusion efforts across corporate and institutional sectors, it is important to recognize the long-standing grassroots efforts of activists in the US. For several years a…

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