
Thought Leadership, Current Events, and Resources for Climate Communicators


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  • Energy Justice: A Public Health Issue

    Energy Justice: A Public Health Issue

    On a recent Let’s Talk Climate episode, I sat down with Surili Patel from the American Public Health Association (APHA) to discuss one of their newest priorities, energy justice. As Surili reminded us, “If it’s harming people, it’s our problem. So advancing energy justice is now APHA’s business.”  Our conversation started with the definition of…

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  • Taking action to improve health: Advocacy resources and success stories from health care sector

    Taking action to improve health: Advocacy resources and success stories from health care sector

    Health professionals have an ethical responsibility to take action to protect the health of our patients and communities. They have a unique opportunity to influence public opinion and policymaking in support of climate solutions as trusted messengers. Health Care Without Harm’s new resource, “How to get started as a health professional advocate for climate policy…

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  • Engaging the Health Sector in Climate Action

    Engaging the Health Sector in Climate Action

    On this special episode of ecoAmerica’s Let’s Talk Climate series, I had a conversation with Gloria Barrera, RN, and Jerome Paulson, MD, about engaging their peers, community, and policymakers on climate action. This 20-minute episode is jam packed with advice and insight from our speakers. We were inspired to have this discussion today by way…

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  • Georgia Chapter of The American Academy of Pediatrics Adopts a Resolution on Climate Change and Child Health

    Georgia Chapter of The American Academy of Pediatrics Adopts a Resolution on Climate Change and Child Health

    In February, the Georgia American Academy of Pediatrics’ Board of Directors voted to adopt a resolution on climate change and child health. The resolution, now available online, underscores how climate change is harming the health of children in Georgia and joins the national AAP in endorsing, “Climate, Health, and Equity: A policy action agenda.” As…

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  • Vote for Children’s Environmental Health and Equity

    Vote for Children’s Environmental Health and Equity

    Our children are our most valuable resources, yet their health and that of their families and communities have not been at the forefront of our nation’s policies and programs. Between a global pandemic, the climate crisis, crumbling infrastructure, underfunded public health systems, and long overdue conversations concerning pervasive structural racism, we are faced with interconnected…

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  • National Association of School Nurses joins Nursing Collaborative on Climate Change and Health to Advance Climate Solutions and Promote Child Health

    National Association of School Nurses joins Nursing Collaborative on Climate Change and Health to Advance Climate Solutions and Promote Child Health

    “There is nothing more important to the health of our children than the health of our planet.” With this assertion, Janis Hogan, Maine’s National Association of School Nurses, (NASN), Director, captures the connection between the vision of NASN, that all students are healthy, safe, and ready to learn, and the urgency for school nurses to…

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  • NEW Research on Climate Change & Birth Outcomes

    NEW Research on Climate Change & Birth Outcomes

    Last September, JAMA Network Open (JNO), the online, open-access version of one of the country’s most highly regarded medical journals, put out a “call for papers” about the health impacts of climate change.  They noted a particular interest in research on vulnerable groups, such as “people at the extremes of age, those with chronic illness,…

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  • Environmental Racism, Climate Justice, and Health

    Environmental Racism, Climate Justice, and Health

    On June 11, I had the honor and privilege to engage in an energizing and powerful conversation about “Environmental Racism, Climate Justice, and Health” with Vernice Miller-Travis, Senior Vice President at the Metropolitan Group and environmental justice advocate. We started our conversation pondering, “Is this GroundHog Day, or a tipping point?” Dr. Arthur Evans posed…

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  • “Motherhood in a Changing Climate: Pregnancy and Birth Outcomes” Recording Now Available

    “Motherhood in a Changing Climate: Pregnancy and Birth Outcomes” Recording Now Available

    We premiered our Let’s Talk Climate webcast series with a trio of speakers sharing information and insights on the impacts climate change is having on motherhood, pregnancy, and birth outcomes in a changing climate and what we can all do about it. Through our research at ecoAmerica, we know that majorities of Americans are worried…

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  • Children’s Health & Climate Change: A Moment of Reflection on Earth Day’s 50th Anniversary

    Children’s Health & Climate Change: A Moment of Reflection on Earth Day’s 50th Anniversary

    To commemorate the 50th anniversary of Earth Day last month, the American Academy of Pediatrics and ecoAmerica took a moment to reflect on our partnership and collaboration to protect children’s health through climate solutions. You can watch the virtual forum here. Dr. Jerry Paulson opened the webinar with moving remarks: “This is a difficult time.…

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  • Anticipated Impacts of the Climate Crisis on Women’s Health: A Call to Action

    Anticipated Impacts of the Climate Crisis on Women’s Health: A Call to Action

    Our fundamental mission as healthcare providers is to protect the health of our patients. While heroic worldwide efforts are underway to combat COVID-19, the greatest emerging threat to women’s health, indeed to the health of all people, is the global climate crisis (what we previously referred to, rather innocuously, as climate change). The climate crisis remains…

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