
Thought Leadership, Current Events, and Resources for Climate Communicators


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  • Greener Parks are a Quality of Life Benefit

    Greener Parks are a Quality of Life Benefit

    The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has revealed how important local outdoor spaces are for comfort, activity and solitude. Many people are finding a new appreciation for their parks. It has never been more clear that neighborhood parks and green spaces provide essential services to their communities to help them overcome challenges, like providing opportunities…

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  • Introducing ecoAmerica’s Webcast Series: LET’S TALK CLIMATE

    Introducing ecoAmerica’s Webcast Series: LET’S TALK CLIMATE

    The must-attend, go-to webcast discussion for the most current and best thinking on climate change ecoAmerica is introducing Let’s Talk Climate to provide guidance and support to climate activists as they seek to expand public support and political resolve for equitable and effective climate solutions. Let’s Talk Climate features seven topics: nature/science, health, communities, faith, politics, people,…

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  • May is Mental Health Awareness Month

    May is Mental Health Awareness Month

    The last few months have posed a unique challenge for all of us: stay away from each other in order to stay healthy. Physical distancing is the best method we have to combat the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. For many of us, when we’re feeling sick, the most comforting thing can be a loved one holding…

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  • New Resources from the American Public Health Association’s Center for Climate, Health and Equity

    New Resources from the American Public Health Association’s Center for Climate, Health and Equity

    COVID-19 and the practice of physical distancing have recently challenged families and educators in unprecedented ways. Many caregivers and young people are feeling restless and disconnected, given the additional time indoors and at home. With thoughtful engagement, however, this additional time together can provide a unique opportunity for learning and creativity. The American Public Health…

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  • Clinicians for Planetary Health: Community in the Time of COVID-19

    Clinicians for Planetary Health: Community in the Time of COVID-19

    Today we want to celebrate the amazing work being done by each and every one of you— whether you are on the frontlines of treating patients, educating your community, taking care of your family, or ramping up self-care. We want you to hear that the world is cheering for you during these difficult and uncertain times— take a…

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  • Climate Leadership Amidst COVID-19

    Climate Leadership Amidst COVID-19

    We’re all trying to orient ourselves to a new world. We are amidst a fast-moving pandemic and economic contraction, and immediately concerned about our families and communities, and our future. As our perspectives are narrowed by the urgency of COVID-19, our other big challenges, especially climate change, have not gone away. We must support our…

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  • Changing Climate Concerns with Food Safety: Shellfish in Virginia

    Changing Climate Concerns with Food Safety: Shellfish in Virginia

    As the changing climate continues to challenge our planet, a most noticeable impact has affected our coastal waters. Ocean water temperatures are becoming warmer. Accordingly, aquatic life is threatened.  We are seeing the negative impacts firsthand in the commonwealth of Virginia, where the greatest volume of oysters on the east coast is harvested and sent…

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  • Now Available: “Mobilizing Action for Climate, Health, and Equity”

    Now Available: “Mobilizing Action for Climate, Health, and Equity”

    Climate for Health was thrilled to host the webinar, Mobilizing Action for Climate, Health, and Equity, as part of National Public Health Week 2020. We heard from health leaders from around the country working at the forefront of climate solutions. They are all bringing to life the 10 points in the U.S. Call to Action…

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  • Earth Day is Everybody’s Movement: Announcing When the Earth Moves Video Premiere

    Earth Day is Everybody’s Movement: Announcing When the Earth Moves Video Premiere

    When the Earth Moves reclaims the authentic story and original vision of Earth Day as a bipartisan and socially just environmental movement and highlights the need for people across generations and on both sides of the political aisle to play an active part. It also calls attention to the urgent need for Americans to unite…

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  • Leading a Call to Action: How Oregon Public Health Association brought partners together to declare climate change a public health emergency in Oregon

    Leading a Call to Action: How Oregon Public Health Association brought partners together to declare climate change a public health emergency in Oregon

    “More than 500 Oregon Health Leaders Declare Climate Change A Public Health Emergency” – this was the headline of a story playing on the local public radio as Oregon’s legislative session got under way earlier this year.  In the upcoming webinar, you’ll hear how the Oregon Public Health Association (OPHA) led a ‘Call to Action’…

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  • Congratulations to the American Climate Leadership Awards Winners!

    Congratulations to the American Climate Leadership Awards Winners!

    Thank you to all who joined us at the American Climate Leadership Awards Virtual Ceremony on March 25! Congratulations to the winner, CALPIRG Students, who worked on eight University of California campuses to win a UC-wide commitment to 100% renewable energy by 2025. Congratulations too, to runner up, Regeneración, a Pajaro Valley, CA based non-profit…

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