
Thought Leadership, Current Events, and Resources for Climate Communicators


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  • Tune In On Wednesday: American Climate Leadership Awards

    Tune In On Wednesday: American Climate Leadership Awards

    Please join us for the American Climate Leadership Awards Virtual Ceremony this Wednesday, March 25, at 1pm ET via Zoom at received over 200 submissions for the American Climate Leadership Awards and narrowed it to 34 semifinalists, 10 finalists, including a runner up and winner. The awardees will receive $155,000 in total for their achievements. We…

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  • How the National Environmental Health Association Is Walking the Talk on Climate and Health

    How the National Environmental Health Association Is Walking the Talk on Climate and Health

    Q: Share some recent ways that NEHA has been walking the talk on climate and health? A: The National Environmental Health Association (NEHA) was honored to join the International Federation of Environmental Health in celebrating World Environmental Health Day(WEHD) in September 2019. This partnership was built to raise global awareness about today’s most pressing environmental…

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  • American Climate Leadership Summit 2020 Rescheduled

    American Climate Leadership Summit 2020 Rescheduled

    In the interest of our individual and collective health and wellbeing, ecoAmerica is rescheduling the American Climate Leadership Summit to August 26-27, 2020. Given current guidance on COVID-19, and the input from ACLS 2020 partners and speakers, we believe this reschedule is the most responsible and favored decision.  All who attend ACLS value the in-person…

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  • Climate Change as a Priority for School Nurses

    Climate Change as a Priority for School Nurses

    “I’ve made it a priority to advocate for healthy environments, and raise awareness on climate change as a school nurse and nursing professor. One of my professional goals for this year, as I take on a leadership role within IASN as President, is to facilitate NASN becoming a member of the Nursing Collaborative on Climate Change…

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  • Climate for Health Ambassadors in Action: Climate Change Grand Rounds

    Climate for Health Ambassadors in Action: Climate Change Grand Rounds

    Last week I gave a presentation entitled “The Health Effects of Climate Damage” for Grand Rounds in the Department of Internal Medicine at Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine. I’m writing about the experience here to encourage others to do something similar. Although I’ve given plenty of talks before and feel comfortable doing so, this…

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  • National Children’s Health and Climate Leadership Forum

    National Children’s Health and Climate Leadership Forum

    The National Children’s Health and Climate Leadership Forum will bring together more than 100 leaders from organizations dedicated to children’s well-being to increase awareness, inspire action, and build capacity and collaboration to address climate change and children’s health. Hosted online by the American Academy of Pediatrics and ecoAmerica, this invitation-only Forum will feature panels, presentations…

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  • CLIMATE Advances:   Creating CHANGE  In  Government

    CLIMATE Advances: Creating CHANGE In Government

    Great news at the state level in the Commonwealth of Virginia: Changes are taking place in state government to address Climate. After a series of recent Town Hall meetings held across the state, the Governor issued an order for the state’s agencies to address impacts of Climate Change.   Testimony from Virginians, support from Environmental Health…

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  • New Resource Announcement: Climate for Health Moving Forward Guide

    New Resource Announcement: Climate for Health Moving Forward Guide

    Climate change is the greatest health threat of our time, and in response, health professionals across the U.S. and around the world are stepping into leadership on climate solutions. Changes to our climate are already impacting communities. These changes reach us all, especially impacting the most vulnerable among us. This is why climate change is…

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  • Utah Climate for Health Ambassadors Training

    Utah Climate for Health Ambassadors Training

    Earlier this month, I attended the Climate for Health Ambassadors Training at The University of Utah in Salt Lake City. As someone who is heavily interested in learning more about the role that climate change and pollution have on the increasing population, I was thrilled to hear from so many passionate and knowledgeable leaders in…

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  • Faith, Health, and Climate: Finding Connections and Building Bridges

    Faith, Health, and Climate: Finding Connections and Building Bridges

    Editor’s note: Climate for Health and Blessed Tomorrow invited two leaders to share their thoughts on the intersections of faith and health in addressing climate change. Leah and Natasha share a conversation on the commonalities across faith and health in climate action. You can read more in their respective chapters in the book Rooted and…

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  • Give Babies A Fighting Chance

    Give Babies A Fighting Chance

    ecoAmerica’s Let’s Talk Climate: Messages to Motivate Americans encourages us to: The science that shows how the burning of fossil fuels is harming the development of babies’ brains can be used to meet all of those recommendations. Last year, Healthy Babies Bright Futures and the George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication published a…

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