
Thought Leadership, Current Events, and Resources for Climate Communicators


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  • The Moral Imperative to Improve Planetary Health Through Climate Solutions

    The Moral Imperative to Improve Planetary Health Through Climate Solutions

    While there may be different motivations and pathways, studies and scripture have led us to the same conclusion: faith and health leaders alike recognize the urgent moral imperative to act on climate change. People — our friends, families, and neighbors — feel the impacts of climate change right now. In response, we need to act…

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  • Every Child Has the Right to Thrive in a Healthy Environment

    Every Child Has the Right to Thrive in a Healthy Environment

    We love our children. And that comes with certain responsibilities. Providing them with clean air, clean water, and healthy sustainable communities with access to natural environments, where they can reach their optimal potential are some of those responsibilities. Unfortunately, the climate crisis we are facing not only impacts the future of  children, but poses many…

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  • Responding to Climate Change Means Investing in School Health: #ChildrenAtTheCenter

    Responding to Climate Change Means Investing in School Health: #ChildrenAtTheCenter

    While there are several sources of carbon emissions that contribute to global temperature rise, the buildings sector accounts for 39% of annual US carbon emissions and is undergoing rapid growth at unprecedented rates. From construction and revitalization to how much energy is consumed on a daily basis, buildings are an important contributor to climate change.…

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  • New Resource from PSR- Heat, Fire, Water: How Climate Change Has Created a Public Health Emergency

    New Resource from PSR- Heat, Fire, Water: How Climate Change Has Created a Public Health Emergency

    In a new white paper, Physicians for Social Responsibility Board Member, Dr. Alan Lockwood, has drawn on the content of the three major climate reports published in fall 2018 – the Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change, the IPCC special report Global Warming of 1.5° C, and the Fourth National Climate Assessment: Impacts, Risks, and Adaptation…

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  • NEW Talking Points: Protect Clean Air, Protect Our Health

    NEW Talking Points: Protect Clean Air, Protect Our Health

    For almost 50 years, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been fulfilling its mission to protect human health and the environment. In fact, before the EPA was established, rivers were on fire! The EPA works to ensure that we have clean air, water, and land by reducing environmental health risks through strong regulatory actions and…

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  • APHA’s Climate Change and Health Needs Assessment

    APHA’s Climate Change and Health Needs Assessment

    Climate change presents increasingly serious, complex challenges to the public’s health. In response to these challenges, the American Public Health Association’s Center for Climate, Health and Equity inspires action on climate and health, advances equitable climate policies, and galvanizes the public health field to address climate change. APHA maintains that the public health field is on the front…

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  • New Active Transportation and Climate Change Infographic from the American College of Sports Medicine

    New Active Transportation and Climate Change Infographic from the American College of Sports Medicine

    By biking, walking, and rolling you are improving your physical and mental health and addressing one of the biggest contributors to climate change – emissions from transportation.  Greenhouse gas emissions contribute to our changing climate, resulting in increasing temperatures and extreme weather. Climate change impacts our health, causing and exacerbating heart and lung diseases like asthma and COPD…

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  • Climate for Health joins over 70 health and medical groups to launch The Call to Action on Climate, Health and Equity

    Climate for Health joins over 70 health and medical groups to launch The Call to Action on Climate, Health and Equity

    Last week, we joined more than 70 health and medical groups to launch The Call to Action on Climate, Health and Equity: A Policy Action Agenda to protect the health and safety of all people in the U.S. From exposure to extreme weather and heat waves to worsening air pollution and the spread of insect-borne disease – climate…

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  • Nurses Take Climate Action: MGH Institute of Health Professions joins the Nursing Collaborative on Climate Change and Health

    Nurses Take Climate Action: MGH Institute of Health Professions joins the Nursing Collaborative on Climate Change and Health

    Today the Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments (ANHE) and Climate for Health announced that the Center for Climate Change, Climate Justice, and Health, a nurse-led initiative at MGH Institute of Health Professions graduate school in Boston, has become the first academic partner of the Nursing Collaborative on Climate Change and Health (Nursing Collaborative). The Nursing Collaborative, which…

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  • Resources from our Live Twitter Chat with Salud America! on Air Quality and Pollution

    Resources from our Live Twitter Chat with Salud America! on Air Quality and Pollution

    On Tuesday, June 11 Climate for Health co-hosted a live Tweetchat with Salud America! on the topic of air quality and pollution. We used the hashtag #SaludTues on Twitter to make the connections between air pollution, climate change, and our health and what everyone can do to make a difference in their own lives and in their…

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  • Taking action on climate change to improve public health

    Taking action on climate change to improve public health

    This July, the American Public Health Association is bringing students and early-career professionals from all over the country to Washington, D.C., to speak for health. We’ll be bringing this singular message to the Hill: climate change is the biggest threat facing public health. Climate change is already affecting the health of communities across the United…

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