Thought Leadership, Current Events, and Resources for Climate Communicators
Join Us for Climate Week NYC: Explore the Intersection of Health and Climate
This is the first year that Climate Week will feature health as a primary theme and the connection between climate & health has never been more critical. At Climate for Health, we are dedicated to addressing these intersections and empowering communities to take meaningful action…
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New Research Findings: Americans Want Climate Leadership from the Health Sector
ecoAmerica’s latest American Climate Perspectives Survey, published in partnership with the National Association of Community Health Centers, reveals that Americans are ready and eager for health professionals to advance climate action…
Black History Month and Climate Change – The STEM Connection
The connection of the recently completed Black History Month and Climate Change may not appear to be obvious but upon reflection from my time as a Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) educator there is an unquestioned connection between the two…
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Now Available: February Talking Points
Health professionals have always been on the front lines of caring for their patients and advocating for solutions to America’s most pressing public health concerns. Today, as climate change delivers record-breaking storms, droughts, and increased pollution, health leaders are stepping forward to lead. If we can inspire and empower health professionals to lead on climate,…
A Path to Positive on Climate in 2018
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope….”– A…
1 Year In: Poll Finds Trump Stirring Climate Attitudes, Action
Most of what Americans heard from the Trump Administration in its first year focused on dismissing climate change as a human-made problem, undermining the legitimacy of news organizations covering the issue, and announcements about regulation rollbacks and exiting the Paris Agreement. Eschewing support for climate solutions, the rhetoric centered on jobs, the economy, reviving the…
Welcome to Climate Talking Points! Your New Tools
It can be hard to have a positive discussion on climate change. It is a complex issue. Many of us are in our ideological information bubbles or struck by seemingly conflicting information. As we enter 2018, passions are high on both sides, and the stakes even higher. If you want to move your family, colleagues,…
ACLS 2017 Recommendations Report: Taking Up the Health Mantle
It’s here! The Recommendations Report from the 2017 American Climate Leadership Summit, “Taking Up the Mantle,” was published at the close of last year. On October 25 and 26, our parent organization, ecoAmerica, brought together 300 diverse national leaders from across sectors and society to the National Press Club in Washington, DC. During these two days, we listened to…