
Thought Leadership, Current Events, and Resources for Climate Communicators


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  • Join Us: National Health + Climate Forum

    ecoAmerica’s column in the National Environmental Health Association’s Journal of Environmental Health, “Staying Cool in a Changing Climate: Caring for Health in Extreme Heat” by Nicole Hill, MPH, and Ben Fulgencio-Turner, MPP, CPH is now available in the July/August 2023 issue…

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  • Turning Research into Action: Lessons from the American Climate Leadership Summit 2019

    Turning Research into Action: Lessons from the American Climate Leadership Summit 2019

    Climate change is a health emergency and requires collaboration across sectors; from healthcare professionals to research scientists, from urban planners to nonprofit organizations, from seasoned experts to students and young people. Because environmental health professionals work directly with communities and have irreplaceable community relationships, the environmental health workforce plays a pivotal role in combating the…

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  • Asthma, Allergies, and Climate Change

    Asthma, Allergies, and Climate Change

    I live in Washington, DC and every morning when I walk outside, there is a thin layer of pollen that has accumulated…everywhere! I have a little tingle in my throat and my eyes are itchy. I am not alone in my suffering, nor am I alone in understanding the connection between lengthening allergy seasons and our…

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  • A Call for Clinicians to Act on Planetary Health

    A Call for Clinicians to Act on Planetary Health

    The Lancet, one of the oldest and most prestigious medical journals, published “A Call for Clinicians to Act on Planetary Health” on April 19, 2019, just ahead of Earth Day on April 22. This global call-to-action, led by the Planetary Health Alliance and co-signed by 31 medical associations and healthcare organizations around the world, reflects…

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  • Promoting Maternal and Children’s Health: Women’s Health Nurses Fight Climate Change

    Promoting Maternal and Children’s Health: Women’s Health Nurses Fight Climate Change

    While climate change affects human health in various ways, certain populations, such as pregnant women, the developing fetus, and children are more vulnerable to climate-related health risks. Breathing unhealthy levels of air pollution and/or exposure to more extreme heat and serious events that result from climate change can increase a mother’s risk of poor birth…

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  • Evidence-based Advice for Talking about Climate Change

    Evidence-based Advice for Talking about Climate Change

    Talking to people about climate change can feel like a tightrope act.  You need to snag their interest, and you want them to understand why it’s so urgent to take action.  Yet if you are really frank about the extreme danger our planet faces, you may drive them away screaming. That’s why research-based guidance for…

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  • Climate change and health are inherently local: rural or urban, climate change impacts us all

    Climate change and health are inherently local: rural or urban, climate change impacts us all

    Images, photos, and news coverage of climate change impacts tend to zoom in on the urban consequences- flooding in the streets after a large rain event, destruction of buildings and gas stations during a hurricane, cars buried under mountains of snow in cities where snowstorms have historically been uncommon, high school football players suffering from…

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  • Nurses utilize ecoAmerica’s research to inform outreach on climate change and health in the Nurses Climate Challenge

    Nurses utilize ecoAmerica’s research to inform outreach on climate change and health in the Nurses Climate Challenge

    Throughout the years, nurses have played a vital role in addressing the many environmental hazards that affect human health. From advocating for safe workplace conditions to implementing community lead prevention initiatives to supporting policies to reduce exposure to secondhand smoke, nurses have been instrumental to leading change resulting in a healthier population. Similarly, by addressing…

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  • Turning Climate Panic Into Progress: Your Talking Points

    Turning Climate Panic Into Progress: Your Talking Points

    If Americans are hearing anything about climate change, it is likely the bad news. Our planet and its oceans are warming faster than predicted, causing billion-dollar weather disasters, a myriad of health impacts, climate refugees and more, with little time to turn it around. Headlines from recent climate reports confirm that we have only a…

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  • Climate Attitudes Differ in Rural, Suburban, and Urban Living

    Climate Attitudes Differ in Rural, Suburban, and Urban Living

    Climate change impacts all Americans, but presents itself differently in every corner of the U.S., ranging from hurricanes to droughts, superstorms and Nor’easters. To inspire more Americans to engage on the issue, we need to meet them where they live — and relate the issue to the things they care about in their Urban, Suburban,…

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  • New Hope for Action: Key Republican Climate Attitudes Shift

    New Hope for Action: Key Republican Climate Attitudes Shift

    As we transition into 2019 and welcome a new Congress, there is renewed hope for climate action. While political gridlock remains the greatest impediment to bold climate solutions, there is a shift in partisan attitudes in favor of progress in 2019 and beyond. Republicans are increasingly aware that the climate is changing. They see these…

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  • NEHA’s Declaration on 100% Clean Energy by 2030

    NEHA’s Declaration on 100% Clean Energy by 2030

    As part of the National Environmental Health Association’s partnership with Climate for Health, we are addressing climate change through clean energy solutions. NEHA’s Board of Directors approved a declaration on 100% clean energy by 2030. Carbon pollution is warming our planet and profoundly affecting the U.S. and the world. U.S. leadership can help the world…

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