
Thought Leadership, Current Events, and Resources for Climate Communicators


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  • Join Us: National Health + Climate Forum

    ecoAmerica’s column in the National Environmental Health Association’s Journal of Environmental Health, “Staying Cool in a Changing Climate: Caring for Health in Extreme Heat” by Nicole Hill, MPH, and Ben Fulgencio-Turner, MPP, CPH is now available in the July/August 2023 issue…

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  • Climate change and the built environment: it’s time to make changes

    Louisiana is known as a sportsman’s paradise, Florida is vacationland and, as we all know, everything is bigger in Texas. Unfortunately, that can be a problem, as some of the things that have been bigger lately have threatened vacation spots, sportsman’s favorite escapes, and residents in all three states; as well as the Virgin Islands,…

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  • Climate Change Can Bring Us Together: 5 Simple Rules for Climate Advocacy

    Climate Change Can Bring Us Together: 5 Simple Rules for Climate Advocacy

    Everywhere we turn it seems we bump up against something political. The news we watch, the athletes we support and even the restaurants where we eat are all increasingly viewed through the lens of partisan politics. Climate change has been viewed similarly, but we have an opportunity to bridge the divide. When it comes to…

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  • Are Americans Connecting Severe Weather to Climate Change?

    Are Americans Connecting Severe Weather to Climate Change?

    Throughout the country, Americans are noticing something different about the weather. The seasons feel warmer, wildfires seem worse, and floods and hurricanes are more severe. But when they turn on the news or pick up their newspapers, there is little mention of climate change. There is talk of more intense wildfires coupled with historic droughts…

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  • Extreme Weather and Climate Change: Talking Points

    Whether Americans are looking out their windows, or turning on the local news, we are increasingly confronted by severe weather events — unprecedented droughts, storms, floods and heatwaves are being seen and felt nationwide and around the world. The impact of this “new normal” is changing our lives. Destruction of property from ferocious weather, threats…

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  • Public Health Impacts of Extreme Weather Associated with Climate Change

    Nurses approach health from a holistic and comprehensive viewpoint. That holistic view of health is foundational to advocacy work I do as a member of several nursing and public health associations. Although climate change (CC) truly is a global challenge, my efforts focus primarily on national and state levels through my involvement with the nursing…

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  • Three Takeaways on Nuclear Power Survey

    Three Takeaways on Nuclear Power Survey

    Within the climate community, one of the greatest areas of debate is the role of nuclear energy in the mix of climate solutions. Nuclear power already accounts for nearly 20% of America’s power supply, and there are growing voices of support for researching, developing, and building greater nuclear power capacity as part of a broader…

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  • July is Climate Change & Children’s Health Month

    July is Climate Change & Children’s Health Month

    ecoAmerica and Climate for Health are joining the Children’s Environmental Health Network to put #ChildrenAtTheCenter. In January, CEHN launched a monthly education-to-action series as part of the Children’s Environmental Health Movement.  The origin of the CEH Movement, which also includes the celebration of Children’s Environmental Health Day on the second Thursday in October, is included…

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  • Health Leaders Explore Opportunities to Increase Climate Change Mitigation and Advocacy

    Health Leaders Explore Opportunities to Increase Climate Change Mitigation and Advocacy

    Download Summary On May 15, ecoAmerica and Climate for Health convened more than 50 health leaders for the National Climate and Health Leadership Forum, co-hosted by the American Psychological Association (APA) in Washington, D.C.  APA’s CEO, Dr. Arthur Evans, welcomed the participants and reaffirmed their commitment to addressing the mental health impacts of climate change. …

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  • Humans Have a Right to Clean Air and a Healthy Climate

    Humans Have a Right to Clean Air and a Healthy Climate

    We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all people are created equal, endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, and among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Whenever any technological process becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it and institute…

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  • Climate Change, Air Pollution, and Health: Making the Connection

    Climate Change, Air Pollution, and Health: Making the Connection

    As nurses, we know that clean air is essential for human health. Yet many people in the United States are living in areas with unhealthy levels of air pollution. According to the American Lung Association’s most recent State of the Air report, more than 4 in 10 Americans are exposed to unhealthy levels of air…

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  • 2018 June American Climate Perspectives: Mid-Year Summary

    2018 June American Climate Perspectives: Mid-Year Summary

    Americans’ attitudes on climate are changing, and the change is in a positive direction. To better understand how these views are evolving, and what that may mean, ecoAmerica has pulled together the most recent public opinion survey data from some of the country’s most prominent polling firms.   The data is encouraging. Americans are increasingly…

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