
Thought Leadership, Current Events, and Resources for Climate Communicators


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  • Join Us: National Health + Climate Forum

    ecoAmerica’s column in the National Environmental Health Association’s Journal of Environmental Health, “Staying Cool in a Changing Climate: Caring for Health in Extreme Heat” by Nicole Hill, MPH, and Ben Fulgencio-Turner, MPP, CPH is now available in the July/August 2023 issue…

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  • Now Available: June Talking Points

    Now Available: June Talking Points

    Download Talking Points The discourse around a warming world often gets hung up on politics, but what Americans really care about — and want to hear about— are the challenges and opportunities that climate change has for their families and communities. Strip away the science, politics, and technology, and remaining are people, their families, how…

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  • NEHA Members’ Climate and Health Awareness: Challenges, Growth, and Solutions

    NEHA Members’ Climate and Health Awareness: Challenges, Growth, and Solutions

    Addressing climate change can be overwhelming and daunting. However, NEHA and its Climate Change Program are up for the challenge. NEHA is meeting this task through its climate change website, which offers climate and health resources addressing: air quality, built environment, food security/food safety, and emergency response. These resources are recommended by NEHA’s Climate Change…

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  • A Closer Look: the Influence of Health and Faith on Climate

    A Closer Look: the Influence of Health and Faith on Climate

    Are Americans looking to leaders outside of the political arena for guidance on climate change? ecoAmerica and Lake Research Partners set out to find this answer in the May 2018 American Climate Perspective Survey (ACPS). The ACPS found that there is increasing opportunity for faith leaders and health professionals to lend their leadership to climate.…

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  • Climate changes tribal and indigenous health

    Climate changes tribal and indigenous health

    Climate change is today’s greatest public health challenge. While all of us will experience the health impacts of climate change, some groups, including tribal communities, are particularly vulnerable. Climate justice requires ensuring fair treatment of all people — regardless of race, gender and socioeconomic status — in creating policies and practices to address climate change. By providing…

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  • Visualizing Environmental & Climate Injustice in Rockport, Texas

    Visualizing Environmental & Climate Injustice in Rockport, Texas

    I often struggle to instill in undergraduate nursing students the concept of inequity and why this is an important concept to understand for their nursing practice. I use the well-known slide of equality/equity of youth looking at a baseball game as it clearly shows why some people do need a redistribution of services in order to…

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  • Now Available: April Talking Points

    Now Available: April Talking Points

    A clean energy future is within our grasp. We can have locally-made energy from the wind and the sun that ensures our air is clean and our water is healthy. Communities across America are learning that smart investments in clean energy protect our health, attract new business, create jobs, and build stronger communities for our families. Hundreds…

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  • Examining what impacts biking behavior beyond the bike lane: Climate and health co-benefits

    Examining what impacts biking behavior beyond the bike lane: Climate and health co-benefits

    We’ve all heard the expression, “If you build it, they will come.” Does it apply to bike lanes and cyclists? If we paint some lanes on the side of the road will we be overrun with cyclists? Is it really that simple? Is there anything beyond the bike lane that we can do to promote…

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  • Accelerating Health Leadership on Climate Solutions: New Polling Results Indicate Americans’ Changing Attitudes

    Accelerating Health Leadership on Climate Solutions: New Polling Results Indicate Americans’ Changing Attitudes

    Isaac Newton’s third law of motion is: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.  Recalling our physics lessons might give us some insight into Pew’s January 2018 polling results, which found a seven point increase in just the last year in Americans saying that protecting the environment should be a top policy priority. …

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  • Collective nursing leadership: Addressing climate change now and in the future

    Collective nursing leadership: Addressing climate change now and in the future

    Since the start of our profession, nurses have made the connection between a healthy environment and improved health. Having clean air to breathe and clean water to drink are essential for human health and a key component to disease prevention. Thus, as health professionals, nurses have a professional obligation to address environmental factors that influence…

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  • Honoring Our Heritage, Leaving a Legacy: Environmental Health and Climate Change

    Honoring Our Heritage, Leaving a Legacy: Environmental Health and Climate Change

    “Legacy” is defined, in part, as “something transmitted by or received from an ancestor or predecessor from the past.” We often think about legacies in personal terms associated with our children—what will our legacy be to them when we are gone? And can it leave them in a better place than they were before? We…

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  • Now Available: February Talking Points

    Now Available: February Talking Points

    Health professionals have always been on the front lines of caring for their patients and advocating for solutions to America’s most pressing public health concerns. Today, as climate change delivers record-breaking storms, droughts, and increased pollution, health leaders are stepping forward to lead. If we can inspire and empower health professionals to lead on climate,…

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