
Thought Leadership, Current Events, and Resources for Climate Communicators


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  • Join Us: National Health + Climate Forum

    ecoAmerica’s column in the National Environmental Health Association’s Journal of Environmental Health, “Staying Cool in a Changing Climate: Caring for Health in Extreme Heat” by Nicole Hill, MPH, and Ben Fulgencio-Turner, MPP, CPH is now available in the July/August 2023 issue…

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  • Reflections on COP27

    Reflections on COP27

    It is an understatement to say that attending the United Nations Convention of Parties conference, also known as COP can be an overwhelming and humbling experience. Now in its 27th year, stakeholders gather from every part of the world to try to come to an agreement on the path forward to tackling climate change. Outside…

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  • Let’s Talk Climate: How Kaiser Permanente is Leading and Engaging on Climate Solutions

    Let’s Talk Climate: How Kaiser Permanente is Leading and Engaging on Climate Solutions

    In this episode of Let’s Talk Climate, two leaders from Kaiser Permanente join us to discuss how patients and providers have experienced climate change, and the actions that they are taking: Seema Wadwha, the Executive Director of Environmental Stewardship at Kaiser Permanente and Dr. Colin Cave, the Medical Director of External Affairs, Government Relations and…

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  • Addressing climate change to be a top global priority for world leaders

    Addressing climate change to be a top global priority for world leaders

    This past month, I attended my first United Nations General Assembly in New York. As a UN Liaison for Sigma Nursing, I was granted special access to the assembly hall where world leaders gathered to discuss challenges we face as a global community. Climate change was a common concern. I listened intently as leaders from…

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  • The United Nations, Climate Change, Environmental Health, and You

    The United Nations, Climate Change, Environmental Health, and You

    The leading authority globally on climate change is the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) within the United Nations. Every 5 years, the panel releases an extensive 3-part assessment on climate change that explores the science, the impacts, and the solutions. In February 2022, IPCC released findings from Working Group II as part of its…

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  • Action as an Antidote

    Action as an Antidote

    The caption on one of my favorite cartoons reads: ”My desire to be well-informed is currently at odds with my desire to remain sane.” Published in the New Yorker in 2017, David Sipress aptly describes the endless stream of bad news that many of us experience daily in the world of climate change and COVID-19.…

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  • Healthy Babies Bright Futures for Climate Action

    Healthy Babies Bright Futures for Climate Action

    One in six American children have a neurological disability spanning from autism to IQ loss to ADHD. Diverse experts agree that before and after birth exposures to toxic chemicals and pollutants significantly increase kids’ risks for developing a neurodevelopmental disorder. Healthy Babies Bright Futures (HBBF) is an organization working to create and support initiatives that…

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  • Let’s Talk Climate: Climate & Crisis Preparedness

    Let’s Talk Climate: Climate & Crisis Preparedness

    September is National Preparedness Month and we are all aware of the growing risks. We are in the peak of hurricane season for the East Coast & Gulf South, a long wildfire season for much of the West, and deadly heat waves all over the country. These extreme weather events, along with the disruption they…

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  • Remembering Hurricane Katrina

    Remembering Hurricane Katrina

    Last week marked the 17th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, the failure of levees in New Orleans, and the flooding of much of the city. I was a college student in New Orleans in 2005 and when I think about Katrina it brings intense memories. I remember the rushed decision to evacuate, joking with friends that…

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  • New Let’s Talk Climate Episode Now Available: “The Heat is On”

    New Let’s Talk Climate Episode Now Available: “The Heat is On”

    Extreme weather takes many forms: massive hurricanes, overwhelming floods, prolonged and severe droughts- but few are as harmful to as many as extreme heat. We know that high temperatures hurt some more than others: outdoor workers, those in urban heat islands, people without access to air conditioning, or those with medical conditions like asthma and…

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  • Is my closet harming the environment?

    Is my closet harming the environment?

    New event, new outfit. The high demand to buy newly popular clothes as quickly as they become a trend is known as “fast fashion.” Fueled by social media influencers and celebrities, many people experience “Fashion FOMO”: the anxious need to keep up with changing trends and buying the cheaper version of these outfits as quickly…

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  • Take A Moment

    Take A Moment

    At the recent ecoAmerica National Health and Climate Forum, I was invited to present some thoughts about self-care for those of us engaged in the climate fight.  I believe we must continuously invest in ourselves to do our best work now and to maintain this commitment over time.

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