
Thought Leadership, Current Events, and Resources for Climate Communicators


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  • Join Us: National Health + Climate Forum

    ecoAmerica’s column in the National Environmental Health Association’s Journal of Environmental Health, “Staying Cool in a Changing Climate: Caring for Health in Extreme Heat” by Nicole Hill, MPH, and Ben Fulgencio-Turner, MPP, CPH is now available in the July/August 2023 issue…

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  • Children’s Environmental Health Day Proclamations: A Tool for Climate Action

    Children’s Environmental Health Day Proclamations: A Tool for Climate Action

    Children’s Environmental Health Day is an annual celebration of children’s environmental health successes and a day to raise the visibility of issues and challenges in the field. It’s also a day to drive collective action to address the big challenges facing our little ones. In a special episode of Let’s Talk Climate, Climate for Health…

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  • Back to School: Nursing Leadership on Climate Solutions in the Classroom

    Back to School: Nursing Leadership on Climate Solutions in the Classroom

    Nurses are the most trusted leaders on climate solutions. As the 2021 school year starts, we have an incredible opportunity to support youth leadership on climate action, and incorporate climate education and health equity into curricula. Tune into this episode of Let’s Talk Climate, co-hosted with the Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments (ANHE) with…

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  • HHS Establishes the Office of Climate Change and Health Equity

    HHS Establishes the Office of Climate Change and Health Equity

    On Monday, August 30, the Department of Health and Human Services announced the creation of the Office of Climate Change and Health Equity (OCCHE). This is the first national office to address climate change and health equity as its core mission, and was created in response to President Joe Biden’s Executive Order Tackling the Climate Crisis…

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  • New Resource from Trust for America’s Health, “Climate Change & Health: Assessing State Preparedness”

    New Resource from Trust for America’s Health, “Climate Change & Health: Assessing State Preparedness”

    This week, Trust for America’s Health (TFAH) released the first two pieces in its new series of case studies that examine efforts by states or localities to conceptualize and implement climate-adaptation policies and programs that center equity. TFAH aims to help make health equity a foundational principle of policymaking at all levels, including in climate policies. The…

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  • Want Doctors to Practice Planetary Health? Teach Advocacy Better. Here’s How…

    Want Doctors to Practice Planetary Health? Teach Advocacy Better. Here’s How…

    Climate change offers healthcare providers “the greatest opportunity to redefine the social and environmental determinants of health” in the 21st century. Medical schools and graduate medical education programs can empower physicians to take this on by ensuring their curricula include robust, structured and practical advocacy training. There is no time like the present.

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  • New Let’s Talk Climate episode, “Climate Change & Health Equity: Addressing Local Air Pollution”

    New Let’s Talk Climate episode, “Climate Change & Health Equity: Addressing Local Air Pollution”

    This special episode of Let’s Talk Climate digs into research from the Environmental Defense Fund that explores the local impacts of air pollution, and the resultant health disparities. Dr. Elena Craft, Senior Director of Climate and Health, outlines findings, and provides examples for climate action that improves air quality & increases health equity.

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  • New initiative at University of Colorado connects climate, work, and health

    New initiative at University of Colorado connects climate, work, and health

    For researchers at the Center for Health, Work and Environment (CHWE) at the Colorado School of Public Health, the connection between climate, work, and health is hitting especially close to home. With climate challenges at home and abroad in mind, CHWE researchers are embarking on a new venture to directly address the intersection between climate,…

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  • Climate Advocates: Ten Tips for Self Care

    Climate Advocates: Ten Tips for Self Care

    Engaging with our climate emergency can feel overwhelming at times.  To do our best work, we all need to prioritize self-care every day.  Bruce Bekkar, MD, provides 10 ideas to help us all care for ourselves to care for the planet.

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  • New storytelling guide for health care professionals taking climate action

    New storytelling guide for health care professionals taking climate action

    As health care professionals, we have a unique understanding of how the health of people,  communities, and the planet are interconnected – and the stories that prove it. Through our work, we see the impacts of climate change and environmental injustice — not merely in numbers, graphs and statistics, but in the faces and stories…

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  • Recording Available: “Live from NEHA’s AEC: Together a Safer and Healthier Tomorrow”

    Recording Available: “Live from NEHA’s AEC: Together a Safer and Healthier Tomorrow”

    In the spirit of the National Environmental Health Association’s (NEHA) Annual Educational Conference theme, “Together a Safer and Healthier Tomorrow,” we co-hosted our most recent Let’s Talk Climate episode with NEHA with the same topic. Our guests, Natasha DeJarnett, PhD, MPH, & Steven Konkel, PhD, MCP joined us to discuss the environmental health role in…

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  • Climate Solutions Last Longer than the News Cycle

    Climate Solutions Last Longer than the News Cycle

    The time is now to invest in our communities and build equitable, sustainable climate solutions. Solutions that have benefits that will last decades longer than our attention spans. We know what we need to do, and we need to build the drumbeat to make it happen.

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